Our Program:

Our program consists of a seamless application of ten lesson components over 30-40 minutes.

Our program is a combination of physical movement and mindfulness activities through a combination of individual, partner and group work activities.

The activities include;

- Fitness exercises including Asana’s (Yoga poses) 

-  Mindful activities; breathing exercises, mindful colouring, gratitude writing, relaxation, visualisation and meditation techniques.

-  Make a difference activities; creating & sharing gifts, spreading kindness activities and more.

-  Fun & games

Our program improves students Emotional IQ. We empower students with the tools to be able to emotionally self regulate as well as the tools to have empathy and compassion for others.

We offer age appropriate programs for Years K-2 and Years 3-6.

Our Program meets the Objectives and Outcomes of the Australian Curriculum.  Contact us today to find out how we meet the objectives and outcomes of the PDHPE syllabus.